The southwest portion of the United States is concentrated with an other race. Since the concentration is in the southwest, along the US-Mexico border, I'm assuming the other race is Latino. Also, southern Florida also stands out with other race, but not in the same magnitude as the southwest portion of the United States. Most notably from the map is the southern portion Central Valley, a predominant agricultural region of California. This particular region has heavy concentration of other race compare to the rest of the southwest. Since most of the field workers are of Latino background and also to the areas history of hiring guest worker from Mexico (Bracero Program) I'm assuming Latino is the other race.
Overall the census map series provides geospatial information of where certain ethnicities live within the continental United States. One population that I was surprised with was the Black population concentration in the south; I assumed that Midwest would have bigger population than the south due Industrial Revolution migration. Besides the census map series, GIS has become more easier and fun. This new perspective has to do with my growing knowledge of GIS usage. Besides having more knowledge on GIS usage, it allows me to better provide spatial information to any map user. Now creating maps can be made from my perpective to spread better geospatial information to map viewers.